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Rather than yammer about more work stuff, I figure this is a good opportunity to shed some light on who I am away from pixel pushing. The list goes on and on but here are, quite possibly, the most important things you should know about me:

1. Chicago Native

I'm a product of Chicago’s much-feared south side. And let me tell you, it’s actually not that scary. It may not be a shiny tourist destination; but it was a cool place to grow up and it’s one of the most interesting cross sections of humanity I've ever experienced. Despite its rough edges and bad wrap, it will always hold a special place in my heart as home.

2. Family Guy

I have two boys. The dudes play hard. My wife and I often find ourselves fighting against the growing tide of toys in our living room. And despite our occasional grumbles we love it. Family is huge for us and we spend a lotta time together having fun, often making messes right alongside our lil buddies.

3. Illustrationator

I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil. I fell in love with illustration somewhere between watching cartoons, and reading my first comic book. It started with replicating an image I really liked and grew into an instinctual practice. Drawing and art generally were such a huge part of my childhood pastime, that I knew it needed to be a fixture in my career. Ten years in, I'm still happy with that choice.

4. Football Nerd

I was a late bloomer, but I love football, particularly fantasy football. The strategy of it is especially compelling. Learning match-ups, depth charts, ratings, history, not to mention your opponent, is enough to keep me engaged season after season. Calculate all that against sheer dumb luck and spread it across 16 Sundays, well then you have a recipe for awesomeness.

5. Musical Nomad

I’ve always enjoyed music and most of my early exposure was to hip hop and whatever my parents were listening to (lots of Sting, George Michael and Jazz of the smooth and classic varieties). But then my older brother got a job at Tower Records and this opened up a whole new can of genres I probably would have ignored because none of my friends were listing to it. Eventually, I nabbed my own gig at Tower and did my own sonic exploring. Musical diversity may not seem like a big thing; but it fuels so much of my creative diversity. If I only listened to one type of music, I’d be seriously handicapped as a designer.

My Current Top 5:
1. The Neighbourhood – Sweater Weather
2. The Handsome Family – Far From Any Road
3. Childish Gambino – Crawl
4. The Seshen – Oblivion
5. Zomby – Natalia's Song